Special education departments and special measures in primary schools

All students have the option of studying in their neighbourhood school. In addition, Kópavogur operates special education departments, study stations and workshops at some schools which have been developed taking into account the needs of the school community. Parents can apply for special measures if they believe that such measures will better meet their children’s needs.

The special measures provided in Kópavogur primary schools should be regarded as temporary measures and their students should belong in the same classroom as their peers. Every effort must be made to ensure that the students in question receive as much instruction in their own classroom as possible. 

At the close of the school year, an assessment must be made as to whether the student will continue to need special measures or whether they can be discontinued. Special measures are described in greater detail in separate rules of procedure

  • Study stations for students in grades 5-10, Kópavogsskóli.

    The role of the study station is to provide students with developmental deviations and/or other broad learning disabilities with suitable instruction and upbringing. See rules of procedure and application form for further information.

  • Workshop for students in grades 8-10, Snælandsskóli.

    The role of this measure is to provide students with developmental deviations and/or other broad learning disabilities with suitable instruction and upbringing. See rules of procedure and application form for further information.

  • Special education department for autistic students in Álfhólsskóli

    The role of the department is provide students with instruction and education as best suited to each individual. See rules of procedure and application form for further information.

  • Tröð special measures

    The measure has the role of taking care of students in grades 1-10 from Kópavogur primary schools who need special temporary support for various reasons. Tröð is located at Neðstutröð and is managed by the Primary School sub-division. See rules of procedure, application form and operating schedule for further information.

  • Work-related education

    Students in grade 10 who have, due to specific difficulties other than disability, significantly fallen behind in learning and/or have social and emotional problems that cause them significant distress in primary school. The goal of work-related education includes getting to know certain aspects of working life, improving student wellbeing and strengthening their self-esteem. See rules of procedure and application form for further information.

  • Preventative projects – Support for students with behavioural and emotional problems

    The town’s primary schools employ a team consisting of family counsellors and primary school teachers who travel between the schools and hold courses for students. The goal is to direct attention toward the ability of students to form relationships and to improve their wellbeing in play and work.Teachers nominate students to attend the courses in close co-operation with parents. See rules of procedure for further information.

  • Schooling during illness

    Students who are temporarily unable to participate in normal schoolwork due to long-term illness or accident are entitled to schooling. The scope of schooling is dependent on the circumstances in each case and is co-operatively carried out by the head teacher and the parents.

  • Special schools

    If the special needs of the child are considerable and complicated, parents can apply for a placement for their child in a special needs school. There are two such schools, Klettaskóli and Brúarskóli.  See the websites of the schools for further information.

  • Enquiries and/or suggestions

    Enquiries, suggestions and complaints may be directed to Tómas Jónsson, Special Services Representative. tel.: 441 0000 e-mail: tomas@kopavogur.is

Last updated 17. March 2017